Gay Adoption: Who does it hurt?

Gay adoption is somewhat of a hot topic in recent years in the LGBT community.

When looking at Gay adoption we can see three people in whom it may affect:

  1. The children
  2. Heterosexual couples
  3. Gay couples

The Children:

The children are accepted in loving homes, from parents who actively have to not only seek and want children but have to fight harder just to attempt to adopt children. The children tend to go to homes where the couples have a more stable relationship as they have to actively seek to get a child. Children growing in same-sex relationships tend to succeed and push farther in educational settings and tend to be more adjusted, and open to gender identities and sexuality than children from a heterosexual couple household,  due to gay couples coming from a background of discrimination.

Heterosexual Couples:

They can give a child up for adoption when having a child is not possible in their life at the time, and be able to give to a same-sex couple. The heterosexual couple can benefit from gay adoption as gay couples tend to take younger children, including children with needs and disabilities. Heterosexual couples have a divorce rate three times as high as gay couples, which can lead to more adoptive parents of heterosexual couples struggling to fight for custody and child support issues. Heterosexual couples can feel better about adoption rates lowering with the support of gay couples adopting whilst having their children of their own or adopting as well.

Gay Couples:

Can have a complete family by adopting, and tend to adopt when the relationship is able and stable. Gay couples have not been found to have issues raising children, so the one mother and one father debate are null in void now. Sexual orientation does not influence the children, they tend to be shown same amounts of love and affection which is what shapes the childs future more. An estimated 2 million gay couples are looking to adopt which is a couple times higher than how many kids are adopted out in the United States currently, which can lead to more children leading happy, healthy lives.

Who does gay adoption hurt? Not children, not heterosexual couples, and not gay couples.

It hurts nobody. 


Content sourced from , 2017.


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