Influencers (Module 6)

In today’s world, we can see Influential people simply in the palm of our hand.

Looking into social media we can see how people are influencing, marketing and building brand recognition with every picture and video by major online celebrities.

A major influencer in which I currently follow is a man named Guy Tang. Guy Tang is a hairdresser, entrepreneur and overall amazing person who I follow because of my hairdressing background.

Image result for guy tang

Guy Tang not only creates stunning hair color and cutting masterpieces, he also works with the company Kenra to create lines of color and products modeled and designed after him and his work. Guy Tang as an openly gay man advocates equality and tolerance and works with a diverse set of models and people to show that all are welcomed which speaks to me as a future Social Worker coming from the hair industry.

The type of marketing done by Guy Tang is very subtle, without being hidden though. In all of his pictures and videos, you can see Kenra logos, and Kenra products just moved the right way to be able to read which shows you where and how to attain and create these looks. In the videos he will use the full name of the colors “by Kenra” or “in the Guy Tang Kenra collection” so you always have a sense of where to get the product as well.

I find this type of marketing to be successful as a stylist I use many Kenra products but before watching and see Guy Tang I barely even acknowledged the brand. Seeing the beauty he creates all with this product line, pushed me to not only use it but tell others about how great my experience with the products is.

I believe the role of Guy Tang is to educate and communicate on how the products work and can be used by a variety of stylists. This role of educator of the brand is something Guy Tang does quite well, and he can convince people to try and use products by simply educating on how to create looks.

The marketing perspective is used now with Guy Tang in the stores as well, he is shown on the in-store advertisements as well as online, and then in his videos is advertising for them, As a prominent and well-known hairstylist this creates an image of if he uses it, so should I which helps to push the product well into the hands of hairdresser consumers.


Whirlpool: Caring for Familes and Friends (Module 4)

Whirlpool as a brand has focused on making the mundane more meaningful by starting a social media campaign to speak about how daily chores are done with Whirlpool mean so much more.

To meet the needs and wants of the audience at large the company created forums, videos, and a web series to have people speak on using whirlpool technology to complete chores and activities for family and friends.

The social and consumer experiences were addressed by creating these digital media outlets to get customers talking about their experiences with Whirlpool technology and how they are improving daily life.

The digital media followers were asked to put up their experiences and people can speak to each other’s experiences as well.

To make this more efficient, I think that the company could have used one main website for the posts to filter from the various sites, which would have made for easier access to the sites.

Currently, the Whirlpool company utilizes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat as well as YouTube. The company utilizes all of the social media as well to speak about not just the equipment about the experiences that come with it. The app currently being used shows all the models, and equipment available, as well as the most effective ways in which to use them.

Gay Adoption: Who does it hurt?

Gay adoption is somewhat of a hot topic in recent years in the LGBT community.

When looking at Gay adoption we can see three people in whom it may affect:

  1. The children
  2. Heterosexual couples
  3. Gay couples

The Children:

The children are accepted in loving homes, from parents who actively have to not only seek and want children but have to fight harder just to attempt to adopt children. The children tend to go to homes where the couples have a more stable relationship as they have to actively seek to get a child. Children growing in same-sex relationships tend to succeed and push farther in educational settings and tend to be more adjusted, and open to gender identities and sexuality than children from a heterosexual couple household,  due to gay couples coming from a background of discrimination.

Heterosexual Couples:

They can give a child up for adoption when having a child is not possible in their life at the time, and be able to give to a same-sex couple. The heterosexual couple can benefit from gay adoption as gay couples tend to take younger children, including children with needs and disabilities. Heterosexual couples have a divorce rate three times as high as gay couples, which can lead to more adoptive parents of heterosexual couples struggling to fight for custody and child support issues. Heterosexual couples can feel better about adoption rates lowering with the support of gay couples adopting whilst having their children of their own or adopting as well.

Gay Couples:

Can have a complete family by adopting, and tend to adopt when the relationship is able and stable. Gay couples have not been found to have issues raising children, so the one mother and one father debate are null in void now. Sexual orientation does not influence the children, they tend to be shown same amounts of love and affection which is what shapes the childs future more. An estimated 2 million gay couples are looking to adopt which is a couple times higher than how many kids are adopted out in the United States currently, which can lead to more children leading happy, healthy lives.

Who does gay adoption hurt? Not children, not heterosexual couples, and not gay couples.

It hurts nobody. 


Content sourced from , 2017.


The Beginning of It All: Module One

The beginning of this blog will be about talking and exploring content in which I use the most often!

The sites I frequent the most: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest

*A link to each can be found right at top^^^

Facebook: I use this site the most to connect with friends, family, and coworkers and stay relevant on information, news and sources from around the world as Facebook is a great hub of “in the now” information.

Instagram: This is used to share and post a bit more of my personal life sharing pictures of my interests, partner, and daily life! I find Instagram a great way to connect on the web and cellular phone applications.

Pinterest: This is a great way to find information and sources of many different aspects of life. I have created boards in which conceptualize what I like, do for a living and future plans such as my impending marriage.

Digital media is a part of life in which most Americans and people around the globe can use to stay connected and learn more about others. Digital media can be frustrating as it can be behind, full of deceit and rumors and can be extremely biased based on who is posted on the digital platform. In some ways, digital media can be amazing and convenient because you can learn about places and people from all around the world with just a couple clicks or swipes!

My preferred digital media is Facebook.                                       downloadfb

I find Facebook to the reigning king of my digital life! Facebook can be used to connect, inform, shop and much much more!

On average I receive emails almost hourly from various companies with updates, offers, and my personal favorite DEALS!  These emails are times can be frustrating to collect many throughout the day, but the benefit of having this knowledge is much more beneficial!

  • The emails that really catch my eye are emails with phrasing about deals on a short timeline

These ads make a real pop of urgency in my mind, and make me want to not only read and decipher the deals in the email but to shop will the deals are at a peak!

The use of digital media is used so frequently by companies now to bring awareness, sell, and advertise for the company using social media sites, emails and blogs to create attention, and bring in more eyes on the company!